In Hungary name-days are very important dates. Almost that important as birthdays. So if you have friend named PETER BAUSZ don't forget to congratulate (him/her).
25th January.This name-day past Three Hundred and One day(s) and Twenty-One hour(s) ago.
28th January.This name-day past Two Hundred and Ninety-Eight day(s) and Twenty-One hour(s) ago.
31st January.This name-day past Two Hundred and Ninety-Five day(s) and Twenty-One hour(s) ago.
5th February.This name-day past Two Hundred and Ninety day(s) and Twenty-One hour(s) ago.
21st February.This name-day past Two Hundred and Seventy-Four day(s) and Twenty-One hour(s) ago.
22nd February.This name-day past Two Hundred and Seventy-Three day(s) and Twenty-One hour(s) ago.
23rd February.This name-day past Two Hundred and Seventy-Two day(s) and Twenty-One hour(s) ago.
27th April.This name-day past Two Hundred and Eight day(s) and Twenty-One hour(s) ago.
28th April.This name-day past Two Hundred and Seven day(s) and Twenty-One hour(s) ago.
Main name-day: 29th April.This name-day past Two Hundred and Six day(s) and Twenty-One hour(s) ago.
8th May.This name-day past One Hundred and Ninety-Seven day(s) and Twenty-One hour(s) ago.
2nd June.This name-day past One Hundred and Seventy-Two day(s) and Twenty-One hour(s) ago.
16th June.This name-day past One Hundred and Fifty-Eight day(s) and Twenty-One hour(s) ago.
Main name-day: 29th June.This name-day past One Hundred and Fourty-Five day(s) and Twenty-One hour(s) ago.
30th July.This name-day past One Hundred and Fourteen day(s) and Twenty-One hour(s) ago.
1st August.This name-day past One Hundred and Twelve day(s) and Twenty-One hour(s) ago.
9th September.This name-day past Seventy-Three day(s) and Twenty-One hour(s) ago.
19th October.This name-day past Thirty-Three day(s) and Twenty-One hour(s) ago.
18th November.This name-day past Three day(s) and Twenty-One hour(s) ago.
26th November.Next name-day in Three day(s) and Three hour(s).
4th December.Next name-day in Eleven day(s) and Three hour(s).
5th December.Next name-day in Twelve day(s) and Three hour(s).
9th December.Next name-day in Sixteen day(s) and Three hour(s).
21st December.Next name-day in Twenty-Eight day(s) and Three hour(s).
Frequency of PETER name and BAUSZ surname in Hungary
The Peter name frequency in Hungary: The name is in TOP Ten most common man name in Hungary. As name: 1.3881% (One Hundred and Thirty-Eight Thousand Eight Hundred and Eleven), as 2nd name: 0.2408% (Twenty-Four Thousand and Seventy-Seven) man have this name.. Bausz surname frequency: 10
What English words can be put together from characters of the name?
P (1) | E (2) | T (1) | R (1) | B (1) | A (1) | U (1) | S (1) | Z (1) | From list of characters, you can write these English words (searched in most common 6000 English words): A, ARE, ART, ARTS, AS, AT, BAR, BARE, BARS, BASE, BE, BEAR, BEARS, BEAST, BEAT, BEER, BEST, BET, BURST, BUS, BUT, E, EAR, EARS, EASE, EAST, EAT, ERA, ET, PA, PART, PARTS, PAST, PASTE, PAT, PAUSE, PEAS, PER, PEST, PET, PETE, PETER, PURE, PUT, PUTS, RATE, REPEAT, REST, RUB, RUST, SAT, SBA, SEA, SEAT, SEE, SET, SPARE, ST, STAR, STEEP, STEER, STEP, STRAP, SURE, TAP, TAPE, TEA, TEAR, TEARS, TRAP, TREE, TREES, TRUE, TUBE, TUBES, UP, UPSET, US, USE,
Some more statistic:
(Soon) In PETER BAUSZ name we can find Ten characters. (more statistic comming soon)